About me

I became interested in computer technology back in the dark ages of computing. My first computer was a Commodore VIC-20, which was the predecessor to the Commodore 64. Since that time I have been virtually consumed with building, programming, and networking. While I was employed with McDonald's in 1992, I designed a program that would automatically back up all of the data every night. I wrote programs to track sales, inventory, and perform cost analysis. Since that time, I have opened and successfully run several businesses. After the death of my son, I decided that life was to short not to pursue your true passion, so I enrolled at BPCC to secure a degree in networking. I completed my education with a Masters Degree from Louisiana Tech. While there I also completed a Masters Certification in Information Assurance. I have worked for several national and world-wide companies doing everything from desktop repair to installing servers and configuring firewall and other security specialties.